THE TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE
                         REGULAR SESSION OF 2000

                      Rep. Eric G. Hamakawa, Chair
                     Rep. Scott K. Saiki, Vice Chair

                            NOTICE OF HEARING

                DATE:     Friday, March 31, 2000
                TIME:     3:00 P.M.
                PLACE:    Conference Room 325, State Capitol

                             A G E N D A #3

SB 2666 SD1      RELATING TO ELECTIONS                                       JHA
(SSCR 2467)      Requires that election day officials assigned to work in the
              counting center, control center, and delivering and collecting
              ballots shall not be family members of a candidate, shall not
              be candidates who lost in the primary, and shall not all be of
              the same party. (SD1)

SB 2849          RELATING TO REVIEW HEARINGS                            HSH, JHA
(HSCR 950-00)    Defines when the department begins to count the time that a
              child has been in agency care.

SB 2621 SD1 HD1  RELATING TO HEALTH                                     HLT, JHA
(HSCR 1039-00)   Requires health care facilities to report all incidents of
              serious injuries and fatalities caused by legal and illegal
              fireworks to the department of health and the police department
              of the county in which the person was attended or treated.
              (SB2621 HD1)

SB 862 SD2       RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA                        JHA
(SSCR 2760)      Allows for the acquisition, possession, and use of marijuana
              for medical purposes. (SD2)

                        DECISION MAKING TO FOLLOW

Persons wishing to testify are requested to submit 45 copies of their testimony
at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to:  (1)  the Committee's Vice Chair in
Room 322, State Capitol; or (2)  the House Sgt.-at-Arms personnel in the
turnaround area of the capitol basement parking lot.  Testimony may be faxed to
the House Sgt.-at-Arms office at:  586-6501 (Oahu) or 1-800-535-3859 (Neighbor
Islands).  When faxing, please indicate to whom the testimony is being
submitted, the date and time of the hearing, and the required no. of copies that
is needed for submittal.

It is also requested that the copies be on one side of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet
with two holes punched at the top.  For further information, please call the
House Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs Committee Clerk at 586-8480.

If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to
participate in the public hearing process of the state house (i.e., sign
language interpreter, wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for the

disabled), please contact the Committee Clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so
arrangements can be made.

                                         Rep. Eric G. Hamakawa